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University of Sunderland in London CAS Number Payment




University of Sunderland London campus students only.

Questions to ask yourself prior to making payment:
We would require students to say yes to both of the questions below prior to making payment;

1. Have you discussed your visa extension with the staff at the Gateway? If not, please do so before paying the fee for the CAS.

2. Are you a continuing student, e.g. repeating modules or extending your visa to complete a full-time course?

If you are a new student please contact Admissions (London camps admissions number) to obtain a CAS.


Detailed Description

A CAS is the confirmation of acceptance of studies from the University – this means that the University of Sunderland will sponsor you during the period you are studying here. If your Tier 4 student visa is due to expire you will need a CAS should you need to extend your current leave to complete your course.

Please note: A CAS can take up to five working days to be generated so do not leave it too late when requesting a CAS from the Gateway. Click this link to find out what we require from you to produce a CAS.



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