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University of Sunderland in London

University of Sunderland in London

University of Sunderland in London Urban Active Swimming Vouchers

University of Sunderland in London Urban Active Swimming Vouchers


Urban Active Swimming Vouchers (London Campus Students & Staff Only)

Students - £10

Staff - £20

10 x single peak time free swims at any Tower Hamlets BETTER leisure centre (see pack for details).

Can be used anytime (depending on leisure centre availability).

All swim voucher usage is tracked - 1 voucher per swim.


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University of Sunderland in London CAS Number Payment



University of Sunderland London campus students only.

Questions to ask yourself prior to making payment:
We would require students to say yes to both of the questions below prior to making payment;

1. Have you discussed your visa extension with the staff at the Gateway? If not, please do so before paying the fee for the CAS.

2. Are you a continuing student, e.g. repeating modules or extending your visa to complete a full-time course?

If you are a new student please contact Admissions (London camps admissions number) to obtain a CAS.
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University of Sunderland in London Student I.D. card replacement



University of Sunderland in London students only.

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University of Sunderland in London Student Society Membership



University of Sunderland London campus students only

Becoming a member of a society provides you with full insurance for any trips and events held by the society, access to subsidised transport, coaching, facilities as well as exclusive access for trips and events.

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University of Sunderland in London MSc Nursing conference



This link will allow you to pay your £100 contribution towards the nursing conference please note you will not be able to attend without this contribution and this is none refundable if you do not attend.

Please speak to your trip organiser if you have specific questions about your trip
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